A scam is in operation targeting filers of Madrid Protocol trade mark applications.
An organisation based in the Czech Republic calling itself 'WDTP - Worldwide Database of Trademarks and Patents' is sending notices to filers of Madrid Protocol applications seeking payment for a 'filing fee' of several thousand US dollars. It seems information about the trade mark application filed is being obtained directly from the official trade mark records of countries which have been designated in the application filed. In particular it seems to target filers of trade marks designating the US.
It does look authentic on first glance. But there are key signals that the notice is a scam. The blurb explaining what the service being charged for is 'gobble de gook'.
The payment requested is in US dollars. Fees paid for a Madrid Protocol application are in Swiss Francs.
Some of the details listed about the application are not correct, particularly the 'week of publication'.
If you have filed a Madrid Protocol trade mark application directly or using an agent, you will only receive genuine information about your application either from the World Intellectual Property Office or your agent.
Any other notices, particularly notices requesting payment of monies, should be treated warily.
If in doubt seek advice as to the authenticity of the notice you have received.
Do not pay it unless you are satisfied it is genuine.
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