
Copyright is an important intellectual property (IP) right and protects a range of applications. It is crucial to understand what it covers.

Get in touch

Our regional expertise

Our specialist team provide copyright services throughout the region.

Why AJ Park?

We have a specialist team of copyright experts who provide regional advice.

A regional leader

We are one of the largest IP firms in the region with an excellent track record, expertise and services to cover all stages of the IP lifecycle.

We're in the detail

We take the time to understand our clients' IP needs and then pair them with our deep understanding of the legal context.

Designed to be responsive

The systems and way we work at AJ Park are designed to enable us to be highly responsive to our clients’ needs.

Copyright services page

Not sure where to start?

Visit our insights, guides and resources to find out more about copyright and how they play an important role in protecting IP.

Get in touch

To get in touch with us, simply fill in the form below and we'll get right back to you.