Originally from Taiwan, Bella made the trip to Wellington, New Zealand in 2019. Her first role was at Te Papa Museum as a host before she joined AJ Park to utilise her previous IP experience.
Before AJ Park, Bella worked as a legal specialist for a networking and communication company. She worked in a team of three processing patents and trade marks.
Bella is bilingual (Mandarin and English) and her translation skills are used across the firm. She helps with client filings into China and Taiwan by providing an analysis on how things translate from language to language, what they mean, and whether they are likely to be confused by locals.
As a 10-year-old, her guilty pleasure was listening to the band ‘Westlife’ which encouraged her to want to learn English. She entered a competition to write the lyrics in Mandarin for Seasons in the Sun. Funnily enough, AJ Park executed the trade marks for Westlife (BSB Entertainment Inc.) in 1995.
Her passion for combatting climate change has recently led her to study a Master of Climate Change, and we’ve been lucky enough to retain Bella part time through her studies.
Bella 來自台灣,於 2019 年移民到新西蘭的首都惠靈頓。她的第一份工作是在 Te Papa 博物館擔任博物館導覽人員。因為在台灣有IP相關經驗,她在結束博物館的工作後就加入了 AJ Park 。
在 AJPark 之前,Bella 曾在一個網路通訊公司擔任法律專員。 她在一個三人團隊中工作,主要協助處理專利和商標相關事務。
Bella 精通中文和英語。 她協助公司中英商標互譯 ,並根據文字上的含義以及讀音是否可能被當地人混淆來幫助中國和台灣的商標案申請。
作為一個 10 歲的孩子,Westlife的音樂讓她開始學習英語。 她參加了一場用中文為《Seasons in the Sun》寫歌詞的比賽。 有趣的是,AJ Park 曾在 1995 年負責處理 Westlife (BSB Entertainment Inc.) 的商標事務。
Tell me about your role at AJ Park | 在 AJ Park 的角色
I’m an Assistant in the Wellington trade marks team. My role is varied but includes anything from managing reminders, filing a response, invoicing, or watching searches.
I now work part time as I recently started studying a Master of Climate Change which looks at the physical changing climate, how we mitigate this and adapt to a warming world (I also completed a placement with COGO who calculate a company's carbon footprint). I always wanted to contribute to society in some way and am interested in science. Through my studies, I hope to help people adapt to a changing climate.
我是惠靈頓商標團隊的助理。 我負責管理案件進度,以及商標程序處理。
因為一直想以某種方式為社會做出貢獻,並且對科學很感興趣 ,目前正攻讀氣候變遷碩士學位 (先前完成了與 COGO 一起研究碳足跡計算的實習)。
AJ Park perks | AJ Park 福利
I started during lockdown and my partner was unfortunately made redundant, so I had to move to Waikanae in my first week at AJ Park. Their support was phenomenal and my new manager allowed me a few days off to move.
I have also been supported to work flexibly and I currently work part time so I can study.
AJ Park 給了很大的支持,我的經理甚至允許幾天假讓我們能安頓到新的住處。
也因為 AJ Park 支持彈性的工作環境,我才能兼職工作,同時完成學習。
What sets your team apart? | AJ Park 團隊
We have a fantastic team vibe where everyone is supportive and transparent. Given English is my second language the team are helpful when it comes to defining the difference between the pronunciation between two marks, or if there are different meanings to the same word – the English language can be quite complex at times. It’s nice to feel supported by the team!
On the flipside, I’m always happy to help with Mandarin interpretations and translations. It’s nice to be able to share the knowledge around the team!
鑑於英語是我的第二語言,我時常會需要團隊幫忙確認商標的正確英語發音。 另一方面,我很開心能在團隊中協助中文的口譯和翻譯。
Which clients do you like to work with and why? | 讓你印象深刻的客戶
I have a soft spot for Karma Drinks. They are down to earth, always easy to reach, responsive and efficient with their directions. They also have a colloquial, Kiwi-way of communication which I really enjoy.
I also like working with our US Associates. They are always quick to respond and have clear instructions, so I always know what I’m doing. I appreciate clarity! We’re lucky that we get to work with so many of them.
我對像Karma Drinks 這樣的客戶情有獨鍾, 他們有一種我非常喜歡的平移近人的新西蘭交流方式。
我也喜歡與我們美國合作的事務所一起工作。 與他們的溝通過程非常順暢,他們也總是會提供明確的指示,使得工作能迅速有效地完成。
Tell us about growing up in Taiwan | 告訴我們在台灣長大的事
In Taiwan, the people are friendly. I grew up in a very traditional middle-class family in a windy city called Hsinchu, about an hour from Taipei. It’s not a particularly multi-cultural city and follows a long history of tradition.
Most of my family is in Taiwan, so it’s sometimes tough being so far away from them. My youngest brother, Erikson, in currently in New Zealand on a working holiday. He currently lives with me which is nice.
在台灣,人們很友善。 我在風城新竹一個非常傳統的中產階級家庭長大,距離台北大約一小時車程。 新竹並不是一個特別多元文化的城市,但卻有著悠久的傳統歷史。
我的家人都在台灣,所以心裡時常掛念著他們。 我最小的弟弟 Erikson 現在在新西蘭打工度假, 很開心今年有他陪伴我。
What do you do outside of work? | 你在工作之外做什麼?
I love trying new things! I’ve tried surfing up in Titahi Bay, Porirua. It’s quite sheltered so there are usually some good waves for the long board. I’ve managed to get up once or twice on the board.
I’ve also played Ultimate Frisbee, it was quite intense, but good to try something new. To regularly keep fit, I walk at least 3km each day (I love walking!) and go swimming.
I’m currently enjoying watching YouTube videos about restaurants and food. Specifically Taiwanese restaurants so I know the best spots to eat when I go back to Taiwan to visit my family.
我喜歡嘗試新事物! 我曾嘗試在惠靈頓的 Titahi Bay 衝浪,它的浪不大,很適合初學者。我也玩過 Ultimate Frisbee,但對我來說這是一項非常激烈的運動。
為了保持健康,我每天至少步行 3 公里(我喜歡走路!),也喜歡游泳。
我目前特別喜歡觀看和台灣小吃有關的YouTube 影片,因為之後回台灣就會有許多美食口袋名單可以造訪。